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Content Policy

  1. Respectful Communication:
    • Users must engage in respectful and civil communication.
    • Avoid offensive language, hate speech, or any form of discrimination.
  2. Inappropriate Content:
    • Do not share explicit, adult, or illegal content.
    • Respect intellectual property rights; do not post copyrighted material without permission.
  3. Spam and Self-Promotion:
    • Refrain from spamming the community with promotional content.
    • Self-promotion should be relevant and add value to the community.
  4. Privacy:
    • Respect the privacy of others; do not share personal information without consent.
    • Report any incidents of doxxing or harassment immediately.
  5. Security:
    • Do not engage in or encourage hacking, phishing, or ant form of malicious activity.
    • Report security vulnerabilities responsibly.
  6. Contribution Guidelines:
    • Ensure contributions (posts, comments, etc.) are relevant to the community’s focus.
    • Provide constructive feedback rather than purely negative criticism.
  7. Moderation:
    • Follow instructions from moderators.
    • Report any violations promptly.
  8. Legal Compliance:
    • Abide by local and international laws.
    • Do not use the platform for any illegal activities.
  9. Violations:
    • Content violating the content policy may be subject to removal.
  10. Copyright
    • The copyright of the posted content belongs to the respective poster.
    • The poster is responsible for any issues arising from the content they have written.

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